Friday, October 17, 2014

Still Grounded

The past two weeks have been characterized by very slow recovery. I take the bus to the hospital every few days where a quick look though the scope shows marginal gains, but things are definitely improving. The quantity and strength of my medications is going down, where steroids and simple lubricants make up the bulk of the +23 eye drops I take daily. Doctors frequently readjust the balance of medications in order to prevent problems (and remittance) while also reducing the overall “toxicity” of the eye. This toxicity may cause irritation and slow healing, but it's important not to back off mediation to fast. I am off all oral and pain medications which has solved my stomach problems. Things are getting better. I can see and feel the improvements. The eye is clearer and more comfortable, but often closed as it is not useful for seeing just yet. The “pin hole” eye test shows good results, which is promising for a good recovery.

I was told this would be a long recovery. I suppose I was hoping for something faster, but I can't complain that things are going in the right direction. I've been laying low at the hostel for about three weeks now, where a steady cast of characters have passed through. This really is an international backpacker's type hostel, so there are no kids running around, but there are many languages and aromatic cuisines coming from the self serve kitchen.

A large world map shows where hundreds of people have visited from (one from Albany, unbelievably) with many different currencies posted around it. There is also a dining room, comfortable seating, games, and generally fun and relaxed atmosphere assisted by good décor and upbeat music. Its been a good place to stay. I'm in a six bed dorm, which has been fine, except for the usual annoyances of people snoring and thermostat wars that could be called cultural differences. I've been sleeping a lot, which I allow myself to do as part of my “recovery,” and I often get up late where my
body feels heavy and stiff. I've been meaning to do some stretches but haven’t been very good about it. I really haven’t been very productive at all, which I feel somewhat guilty about. I've spent a lot of time on the hostel's free wifi, downloaded some free games, and now have a good hand at casting lightning strikes at endless streams of cave goblins. I also you-tubed a bunch, and caught up on my classics like “Birth of a Nation” (1915) if you have three hours to kill. I also fed a short obsession with remote control rally cars, and may have bought one if there was room to take it in my panniers. But I've also done some research on travel plans, routes, and languages using Babble's Spanish program. I also found a pocket guide to Arabic at the hostel book swap, which I though was a good sign for Morocco. I also bought a pocket Bible and am about half way the book of Mathew, which is another “some day” I've now had the time to do. It's been somewhat cryptic but rewarding.

I try to get out of the Hostel at least once a day. My light sensitivity is less intense then it used to be, and I am comfortable in most daylight now. The downtown area is few blocks away and has nice pedestrian areas, varied shopping and dinning (with “American Candy Store”), a museum, and some cultural events as part of a week long program. There are many gift shops featuring plush Loch Ness monsters, and of course, plenty of kilt shops. I think I could get behind it, but a little drafty on a bicycle. (Then you need a matching shirt, jacket, shoes, socks, accessories...). Although I tried cooking at the hostel I usually eat my main meal out somewhere. I have been getting adventurous with Indian, Greek, and Caribbean foods including curried Goat last night, which was spicy, but good with a little pineapple ginger juice. I eat slowly so this becomes the night's activity. Maybe I'm feeding my adventurous side with food? I'm glad the city is nearby to get necessities, a little exercise, and breakup some cabin fever. Unfortunately I have I've also witnessed some of Scotland's problem alcoholism with incidents on the street. There appears to be economic stress as discount and fast food stores are always packed with people while more moderate stores and restaurants appear to be quite vacant. I don't know what the long term effect will be if this trend continues. These not withstanding, I would consider this to be a nice, tourist city with good vibe and plenty of things to do.

As time slips by I have been somewhat concerned about the weather. It was my plan to head south as the colder seasons approached, and now I am very much behind. Fortunately, from what I understand, Scotland does not get deep show or as frigid temperatures as what I've ridden before. I still plan on riding from where I stopped, though I may need to pick up a few things I wasn't anticipating needing. I already bought a layering jacket, and am planning warmer coastal routes that avoid higher elevations. I'll need to take more direct routes, and take ferry connections that will cut riding distances, but this is all part of being flexible. I am anxious to get going again, have a beer,get back to life!

So now it's just a waiting game, where everyday brings a little progress until I can get going again. Thank you all for your well wishes.


At October 24, 2014 at 2:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your making the most of the situation!
Hope your on the road again soon!


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